30 Nov 2021 in Global Insurance Market Report (GIMAR), Latest news, Press releases

IAIS Global Monitoring Exercise (GME) highlights key financial stability priorities for insurance supervisors

Today the IAIS published its 2021 Global Market Insurance Report (GIMAR). The report covers the latest findings from the IAIS’ targeted assessment of the impact of Covid-19 on the global insurance sector, the outcome of the first full Global Monitoring Exercise (GME) of potential systemic risks and key highlights of the global reinsurance market analysis.

30 Nov 2021 in Global Insurance Market Report (GIMAR), Press releases

IAIS Global Monitoring Exercise (GME) highlights key financial stability priorities for insurance supervisors

The 2021 Global Insurance Market Report (GIMAR) presents outcomes of the Global Monitoring Exercise (GME), the IAIS’ framework for monitoring risks and trends in the global insurance sector and assessing the possible build-up of systemic risk. Insurers’ solvency ratios continued to improve over 2020; however, vulnerabilities remain. Key risks and trends facing the global insurance […]

18 Nov 2021 in Consultations

Public Consultation on the Development of Liquidity Metrics: Phase 2

Background information: The IAIS adopted in November 2019 the Holistic Framework for the assessment and mitigation of systemic risk in the global insurance sector (Holistic Framework) in order to support its mission of effective and globally consistent supervision of the insurance industry to protect policyholders and to contribute to global financial stability. The key elements […]

30 Sep 2021 in Global Insurance Market Report (GIMAR), Press releases

IAIS GIMAR provides first quantitative study on the impact of climate change on insurers’ investments

More than 35% of insurers’ invested assets are exposed to risks from climate change, according to data covering 75% of the global insurance sector. Scenario analysis confirms significant benefits of an orderly transition towards internationally agreed climate targets from both a financial stability and solvency perspective. IAIS report provides important insurance supervisory perspective in international […]