Application Paper on Macroprudential Supervision
The paper provides further guidance on the supervisory material related to macroprudential supervision in Insurance Core Principle (ICP) 24, which was revised as part of the Holistic Framework.
Application Paper on Resolution Powers and Planning
The paper provides guidance for supervisors and resolution authorities in implementing a resolution framework, including setting up powers, planning for resolution and issues around coordination and cooperation. The paper is part of a broader project to help insurance supervisors and resolution authorities apply the standards on recovery and resolution in the ICPs and ComFrame.
Update on IAIS work on artificial intelligence and machine learning in insurance
Today, the IAIS issued a short summary of its ongoing efforts in the area of the adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) in the insurance sector. In view of the rapid advancements in AI/ML technologies, in 2023 the IAIS FinTech Forum conducted a thematic review of existing guidance on AI/ML and model risk […]
Consultations The IAIS recognises that effective consultation can bring valuable information to help design successful policy solutions and make informed decisions. All supervisory and supporting material is subject to public consultation. A public consultation typically follows the following process: Launch of public consultation, accompanied by a “public background session” to provide background on the project, […]
Climate risk
Climate risk Climate change is a source of financial risk, impacting the resilience of individual insurers as well as global financial stability. While insurers are exposed to both transition and physical risks through their underwriting and investment activities, they can also be key agents in identifying, mitigating and managing climate risk, thereby contributing to a […]
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion There is growing acknowledgement that advancing DEI within insurers’ organisations and business models supports sound prudential and consumer outcomes as well as sustainability objectives. DEI also touches on several strategic themes identified in the IAIS Strategic Plan 2020-2024, such as conduct and culture, financial inclusion, plus also sustainable economic development and technological innovation.  […]