The IAIS’ Holistic Framework is designed to
assess and mitigate systemic risk in the global insurance sector. Nearly three
years since the Framework was launched and in advance of a review by the
Financial Stability Board on the future of the identification of Global
Systemically Important Insurers, the IAIS has held a virtual public roundtable
on the implementation of the Holistic Framework from 13.00-15.30 CEST on
Tuesday 19 July.
The full recording of this Roundtable can be
found below.
Two panel
discussions have considered the key issues:
1: Holistic Framework: a risk-based framework for monitoring key risks and
trends and the potential build-up of systemic risk in the insurance sector
by Dieter Hendrickx, Chair, Macroprudential Committee, IAIS)
Views on the process
(data gathering, type of stakeholder engagement, reporting to
public/participants) for the Global Monitoring Exercise and the insights
it provides for stakeholders.
Benefits of a more
holistic approach towards monitoring and addressing financial stability
risks (e.g. combining a sector-wide and individual insurer approach),
relative to an approach focussed at identifying and addressing those risks
at the level of individual Global Systemically Important Insurers
Views on potential
additional or different approaches to monitor and mitigate financial
stability risks in the global insurance sector?
remarks by Institute of International Finance and AM Best. Plus additional
responses from insurers: Aviva, Meiji Yasuda Life, Phoenix, Prudential
2: Developments in managing and responding to potential systemic risks in the
insurance sector using the Holistic Framework
by Peter Braumüller, Chair, Implementation and Assessment Committee, IAIS)
Supervisory measures
and tools for managing and mitigating systemic risk.
Discussion on the
impact of changing supervisory approaches including a macroprudential
focus and the extent to which this has improved the ability to manage
systemic risk in the insurance sector, particularly those risks that pose
a threat to financial stability.
Benefits of globally
consistent implementation of the Holistic Framework standards, compared to
a set of prescribed policy measures applied only to G-SIIs.
remarks by Global Federation of Insurance Associations and Geneva Association.
Plus additional responses from insurers: Aegon, AXA, MetLife, Ping
An, Sompo
Watch the full recording of the
Holistic Framework virtual roundtable below!